
Sermon: Being Called Out

Being Called Out

Epiphany 3, Year C

John 2: 1-11

Visiting: Church of The Messiah, Detroit

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Bonnie A. Perry

January 19, 2025

“That’s the thing about movements and change, we need to be in it for the long-haul, when we have an inkling, we know, and then we need the community for it to grow. And the community has participants, activists, leaders, and allies. All essential. Think about it. No water, no wine. No party, no need for the wine.  We need it all.  And we need each other to call each other out from the sidelines, to come front in center to be the change. We need leaders, participants, allies.”


To download a transcript of this sermon, click here.

The Wedding Feast at Cana, Painting by Paolo Veronese (1528-1588), Painted in 1563, Oil on canvas
© The Louvre Museum, Paris