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Commission on Ministry

Commission On Ministry (COM)

“We are looking for people who are leaders, filled with a passion for the words, ministry and actions, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are looking for people who understand that their primary responsibility as a leader of a community of faith will be embodying the Gospel in the world outside our church doors and seeking and forming other leaders to embody this Gospel.”

-The Rt. Rev. Dr. Bonnie A. Perry

COM Process & Resources

Inquirer Packet
Nominee Packet
Nominee packets are due January 31st, 2025  for the spring postulancy weekend 
Postulancy Packet
Candidacy Packet
Candidacy packets are due May 1st, 2025 for May 31st Candidacy Day
Diaconate Packet
Application packets are due April 1st, 2025 for June ordinations
Priesthood Packet
Formation and Field Education Materials
To submit a packet:
  • Please send all documentation via the Commission on Ministry email: 
  • Each packet that is emailed should include all required documents in one email.
  • The Subject Line of the email should state “Inquirer Packet” or “Nominee Packet.”


More resources and forms are being developed, so stay tuned! All COM documents will be posted here as they become available.