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The Church at Crossroads

The Church at Crossroads


We’re a New Episcopal Community (church plant), ministering with and among the people of the city of Detroit under the supervision of our Bishop, the Rt. Rev’d. Dr. Bonnie A. Perry.

You may be reading here because you are curious, or, perhaps you wonder how you and/or your congregation might be called to join in. Your interest is greatly appreciated.

If you think God is calling you to find out more, do please contact us. If you would like to make a financial contribution to the ministry, please see the donation information below.

Peace in our Lord Jesus,

The Rev. Teresa Wakeen, Priest Missioner

Where are we located?

We have a couple of homes.

Our main home is the chapel located inside the social service agency, Crossroads of Michigan at 2424 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, right down from Henry Ford Hospital and the Motown Museum. Crossroads is near and dear to many as it was founded by our own Cathedral Church of St. Paul in 1971. The best part about being located right inside the agency is that we get to meet many of the neighbors who live around Crossroads.

Our second home is close by at Grace Episcopal Church, Detroit. Grace, where we also hold some events, is located at 1926 Virginia Park Street at the corner of Rosa Parks Blvd. Many faithful leadership team members for TCAC are core members from Grace. Together, with leadership from other diocesan congregations who also volunteer, we are meeting neighbors who live around the shared corridor between Crossroads and Grace Church.

What are we doing to build a new church community?

Building a new church or community takes time. It is built on relationships of trust with faith that God is already at work in the lives of the people of the neighborhood. Here are some things that are helping build relationships—those begun, continued and those yet to be planted.

*All in-person ministries are postponed due to COVID-19*

  • Four worship services are held each week inside the chapel at Crossroads:
    • Sundays 1:00pm Holy Eucharist during Crossroads’ weekly Sunday Soup
      Kitchen where five to six hundred meals are served.
    • Daily prayer during the week at Crossroads where two hundred or more neighbors come for emergency assistance.
  • Ministry with parents and families through:
    • Summer Vacation Bible School most Wednesday afternoons throughout the
      summer during Crossroads’ weekday free summer lunch program.
    • 3rd Wednesdays Movie Nights at Grace Church.
      Building Relationships with parents who attend Crossroads’ weekly parenting support group classes.
How can you or your congregation get involved?
  • Come visit or volunteer during one of our gatherings.
  • Share about the ministry with your Outreach/Missions Team and consider whether you are also called to help plant this new community.
  • Pray for and help provide the financial means to support The Church at Crossroads – Episcopal. Contributions from around the diocese, including individuals and congregations, are ways of helping the church be further rooted in the neighborhood.

Donations can be made here, or by check, payable to “The Episcopal Diocese of Michigan”, 4800 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48201. Please indicate “The Church at Crossroads” on the notation line. All funds are managed and accounted for by our diocesan finance office.

If you would like to do some further reading and reflecting

If you would like to learn more about church planting and/or the marginalization of persons and communities in race, economics, and other unjust structures of the wider society, please see the references below.

Thank you!

Thank you again for spending some time with us! We hope and pray you are blessed by your visit and would be very grateful to get to meet you and talk together about how God may be calling you or your congregation to share in ministry together.

Would you like to read about church planting, New Episcopal Communities, or urban ministry? Here are some references to get you started: