A Message From Bishop Bonnie A. Perry Regarding Mark Miliotto and The Rev. Beth Taylor
November 20, 2024
Dear Friends,
It is with deep sadness for us and joy for them, that I write to tell you that Canon Mark Miliotto and the Rev. Beth Taylor have discerned that they feel called to return to Colorado for the next stage of their lives and ministries. Mark has accepted a call at “Your Part Time Controller” and Beth has accepted a call as rector of St. Mary Magdalene, in Boulder Colorado.
I know that all of us will miss Mark tremendously. His ability to make the world of finance accessible has been transformative during his tenure in our diocese. Beth is a gifted priest and has been a stunning rector for more than a decade at St. John’s in Royal Oak.
Words cannot convey how much we will miss both of their ministries here in the Diocese of Michigan.
Mark’s letter announcing this new chapter of life is included below.
Going forward, I have engaged, “Your Part Time Controller” to oversee our finances in this time of transition.
The job description for Chief Financial Officer is included at the end of this announcement. Please circulate it. I hope to hire a new person by the early part of the new year or sooner.
On December 11th at our Zoom Leadership call, I’ll present our new Diocesan Staff structure.
Details to come, when we will celebrate Mark’s remarkable ministry among us!
All my best,

Download A Copy of the CFO Job Description Here.

Dear Friends,
It has been a great personal and professional pleasure to serve first as the Treasurer and then additionally as the Canon for Finance/Director of Finance of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. After much prayer, reflection, and discernment with my family, we have decided to return to Colorado, which is Home for us. My wife Beth and I are ‘empty nesters’ now. We’ve also both completed many personal and professional goals during this time in our lives, and we have decided that it’s best for us to be closer to our family and long-time friends in the Denver area in the next leg of our journey.
I recently accepted a position as controller in an accounting firm serving nonprofit organizations based in Denver. Bishop Perry and her staff have begun work on a transition plan, and they will address any needs that arise in the interim while a search is opened. I am confident in the leadership of Bishop Perry and her staff during this transition.
I am so grateful to have served under two amazing bishops. I have learned so much from each of them and I leave with the knowledge that I am a better leader and person today for having served under them. I have also worked with very talented colleagues who I consider life-long friends. And I’ve collaborated with many great leaders on Diocesan Council, Trustees of the Diocese, Mission Budget Committee, other ad-hoc groups, and with tremendous people all throughout the diocese over these fourteen years. Thank you all for your wisdom, leadership, thoughtfulness, and hard work. The Diocese is in a strong and healthy financial position, and I’m so proud of what we have accomplished together.
As you may know, Beth is a priest in this diocese; she has accepted a call to serve as rector of St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church, Boulder in the Diocese of Colorado. We both love the communities we serve here in Southeast Michigan, and we have worked in tandem as much as we can to share this information with you at the same time.
Thank you again for the opportunity to serve and work with you. I leave with a heart full of gratitude and the knowledge that I have been blessed in this place.
With gratitude,
Canon Mark Miliotto