Advent Book Study with Bishop Perry and Sister Vee
All Are Invited
Join Our Advent Book Study
With Bishop Perry & Sister Vee
It’s almost time for the Diocesan Advent Book Study! This Advent, we will be reading The Church Cracked Open by Stephanie Spellers. The Rev. Spellers is the Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Creation Care. Introducing her book, Canon Spellers’ hope is that we will “examine your life and the life of your church, and the systems and assumptions that shape both. I hope you will become less anxious about how you and your community are cracking open, and more curious about how God might remake you as a true community of love.”
The book study will meet
Wednesday December 1, 7:00PM
Wednesday December 8, 7:00PM
Wednesday December 15, 7:00PM
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